Monthly Budgeting 101

Do you plan out how you are going to spend your money every month? Or do you just wing it and hope for the best? While the second option might be getting you by it can be hard to do some things that you might want to do such  as save for an emergency fund,…

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Are you borrowing too much in student loans?

Not only is the need for a college education and cost at an all time high, but more and more students are borrowing the maximum of what they can receive rather than just what they may need. Before this takes place, lets look at some options and new regulations that have been passed to help…

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12 Ways to Save on School Supplies

It’s almost that time of year again to head back to school and for most people that means buying school supplies. However, there are some ways that you can get the most out of your money and not break the bank over these essentials. Don’t spend money on supplies that you already have and might…

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Credit Report Basics

There are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to understanding your credit score, the factors that influence it and who can look at your credit score. First, you need to know how your score is calculated. Your credit score is made up of five different factors and they all weigh differently on your score.…

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